2013 Worlds Without End Women of Genre Fiction Reading Challenge

The goal of the WWEnd Women of Genre Fiction Reading Challenge is to read 12 books — 1 each by 12 different women authors that you have not read before including 1 random author selection — in 12 months and write 12 reviews. Post your reviews here on WWEnd, or post an extract here then link back to your blog for the full review; you'll get credit either way. We'll cherry pick the best reviews to feature in the WWEnd blog.
If your review gets picked for the blog you'll be enterted into the monthly member review poll for a chance to win one of three prizes — $25, $15 and $10 Amazon gift cards! You must be a WWEnd member to participate and have a chance to win prizes. Join now for free!
To join the challenge simply select 12 authors you want to read from the All Women Authors page. The authors you pick will appear in the numbered slots below. You can pick all your authors at once or pick them as you go. You can change them at any time. Once you finish reading a book, tag it on the novel page and it will appear in your list in place of the author's picture.
Are you ready for the challenge?