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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books


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Author: Rhett Davis
Publisher: Hachette Australia, 2022

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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The city was in the same place. But was it the same city?

Alice stands outside her family's 1950s red brick veneer, unsure if she should approach. It has been sixteen years, but it's clear she is out of options.

Lydia opens the door to a familiar stranger - thirty-nine, tall, bony, pale. She knows her sister immediately. But something isn't right. Meanwhile her son, George, is upstairs, still refusing to speak, and lost in a virtual world of his own design.

Nothing is as it was, and while the sisters' resentments flare, it seems that the city too is agitated. People wake up to streets that have rearranged themselves, in houses that have moved to different parts of town. Tensions rise and the authorities have no answers. The internet becomes alight with conspiracy theories.

As the world lurches around them, Alice's secret will be revealed, and the ground at their feet will no longer be so firm.


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