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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The City of the Sun

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Last Updated: gallyangel

The City of the Sun

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Author: Tommaso Campanella
Publisher: Original French publication, 1638
Original Latin publication, 1623
Original Italian publication, 1602

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Utopia
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The book is presented as a dialogue between "a Grandmaster of the Knights Hospitaller and a Genoese Sea-Captain". Inspired by Plato's Republic and the description of Atlantis in Timaeus, it describes a theocratic society where goods, women and children are held in common. It also resembles the City of Adocentyn in the Picatrix, an Arabic grimoire of astrological magic.

In the final part of the work, Campanella prophesies--in the veiled language of astrology--that the Spanish kings, in alliance with the Pope, are destined to be the instruments of a Divine Plan: the final victory of the True Faith and its diffusion in the whole world. While one could argue that Campanella was simply thinking of the conquest of the New World, it seems that this prophecy should be interpreted in the light of a work written shortly before The City of the Sun, The Monarchy in Spain, in which Campanella exposes his vision of a unified, peaceful world governed by a theocratic monarchy.


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