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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Book Lists

Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Series

Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Series

Most Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror fans like a good series. Once we find a book we like we want to return to that universe time and again for more great adventures with the characters and settings we already know. Of course, Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror authors and publishers are only too happy to indulge our obsession. Indeed, single stand-alone books are becoming a thing of the past with trilogies or better being the norm. More is more these days.

The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror Series list contains all of the series in the WWEnd database for your easy perusal. So whether you're looking for a trilogy, tetralogy, pentalogy, hexalogy, heptalogy, octalogy, ennealogy, or decalogy you've come to the right place. If you are a logged in WWEnd member you can see all the series you have tagged on a single page by clicking the "My Series" link in the nav bar below. Enjoy!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # My Series

 Y: The Last Man

1. (2008)2. (2009)3. (2010)4. (2010)5. (2011)


1. (1990)2. (1991)3. (1992)4. (1992)

 Year's Best Aotearoa New Zealand Science Fiction and Fantasy

1. (2019)2. (2020)3. (2021)4. (2022)

 The Year's Best European SF

1. (1981)2. (1983)

 The Year's Best Gay Speculative Fiction

1. (2008)2. (2009)3. (2010)4. (2011)5. (2012)6. (2013)7. (2014)8. (2015)
9. (2016)10. (2017)11. (2018)

 The Year's Best Lesbian Speculative Fiction

1. (2011)2. (2012)3. (2013)4. (2014)5. (2015)6. (2016)

 The Year's Best Military SF & Space Opera

1. (2015)2. (2016)3. (2017)4. (2018)5. (2019)

 The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Novellas

1. (2015)2. (2016)

 The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy

1. (2009)2. (2010)3. (2011)4. (2012)5. (2013)6. (2014)7. (2015)8. (2016)
9. (2017)10. (2018)11. (2019)12. (2020)

 The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy for Teens

1. (2005)

 Year's Best Science Fiction Novels

1. (1952)2. (1953)3. (1954)

 The Year's Best Science Fiction

0. (2005)0. (2007)0. (2019)1. (1984)2. (1985)3. (1986)4. (1987)5. (1988)
6. (1989)7. (1990)8. (1991)9. (1992)10. (1993)11. (1994)12. (1995)13. (1996)
14. (1997)15. (1998)16. (1999)17. (2000)18. (2001)19. (2002)20. (2003)21. (2004)
22. (2005)23. (2006)24. (2007)25. (2008)26. (2009)27. (2010)28. (2011)29. (2012)
30. (2013)31. (2014)32. (2015)33. (2016)34. (2017)35. (2018)

 Year's Best SF

1. (1996)2. (1997)3. (1998)4. (1999)5. (2000)6. (2001)7. (2002)8. (2003)
9. (2004)10. (2005)11. (2006)12. (2007)13. (2008)14. (2009)15. (2010)16. (2011)
17. (2012)18. (2013)

 The Year's Best S-F

0. (1967)1. (1956)2. (1957)3. (1958)4. (1959)5. (1960)6. (1961)7. (1962)
8. (1963)9. (1964)10. (1965)11. (1966)12. (1968)

 Year's Best Young Adult Speculative Fiction

1. (2014)2. (2016)3. (2016)

 The Years of the City

0. (1984)0. (1984)

 Yesterday's Kin

0. (2014)1. (2017)2. (2018)3. (2018)

 Yokohama Station

1. (2018)2. (2018)

 The Young World

1. (2014)2. (2015)3. (2016)

 Your Forma

1. (2021)2. (2021)3. (2021)4. (2022)5. (2022)6. (2023)


1. (1984)2. (1999)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # My Series