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Simon R. Green

Hawk & Fisher

Hawk & Fisher: Book 1

Simon R. Green

HAWK & FISHER. They're the battle-scarred crimebusters of a never-ending urban war... Hawk rules the streets by broad-sword. Fisher cracks down on toughs with the deadly dagger that she wields with unflinching skill.

Their merciless beat is the rough town misnamed Haven - a dark and murderous place overrun with spell-casters, demons, and thieves. Ready money will buy anything in their town... Anything except justice. That requires a magic touch.

Winner Takes All

Hawk & Fisher: Book 2

Simon R. Green

Hawk & Fisher, captains of the City Guard of Haven, are assigned to be bodyguards for a Reform candidate during an election campaign. Candidate James Adamant is beset from all sides by enemies - political, personal, and supernatural. Keeping him alive long enough to count the ballots could cost the lives of both Hawk and Fisher, in a deadly game where the winner takes all.

The God Killer

Hawk & Fisher: Book 3

Simon R. Green

Murders are taking place on Haven's Street of Gods - the gods themselves are being killed. Hawk & Fisher are assigned to work with a Seer, a Sorcerer, and a Swordsman, a peacekeeping team known as the God Squad. Together, their task is to bring the killer to justice before the mounting panic erupts into an all-out War of the Gods, which could destroy the city of Haven.

Wolf in the Fold

Hawk & Fisher: Book 4

Simon R. Green

There's nothing safe about Haven, nor is there justice, truth, or honesty. The only thing stemming the forces of darkness from overtaking the city is the Guard, but even they are susceptible to bribes, threats, and general maliciousness. However, two members of the Guard hope to change that. Hawk and Fisher, the husband and wife team, are the only pure forces of good in Haven. They can't be bought. They can't stand for injustice. But they can kick your ass.

Working on the side of good in Haven means you have to get used to rubbing elbows with lowlifes. But nothing they've faced before has prepared them for this case. The spy they're trailing leads them to a tower of the aristocratic quality. Donning disguises to infiltrate the tower, Hawk and Fisher risk death if they're caught, but they have to catch the spy before valuable secrets are revealed. However, all is not well in the tower. Maniacal and immortal, a Freak is on the loose, murdering anyone in its path. Now Hawk and Fisher must not only stop the monster before it kills more people, but also find the spy without blowing their cover.

Guard Against Dishonor

Hawk & Fisher: Book 5

Simon R. Green

Amid top-level peace talks between the Low Kingdoms and Outremer, the streets of Haven are ravaged by a new drug, which brings out the vicious animal instincts of its victims. The distributors always seem to be one step ahead of the City Guard force. Someone may be revealing the Guards' plans. Could Isobel Fisher be the informant? Hawk and Fisher are pulled apart by circumstance as a political truce is threatened and the death toll climbs.

The Bones of Haven

Hawk & Fisher: Book 6

Simon R. Green

As peace talks proceed between the Low Kingdoms and the country of Outremer, Hawk and Fisher are assigned to work with the Guards SWAT (Special Wizardry And Tactics) team to stop a riot in Haven's largest prison. The riot turns out to be a cover for something much more elaborate and dangerous, involving a renegade sorcerer, a terrorist who will stop at nothing to undermine the peace negotiations, and an ancient magical secret.

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