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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Macmillan Publishing

Macmillan Publishing

Founded: 1843
Founded by: Daniel and Alexander Macmillan
Titles/Circulation: 1,400 titles/ year


At the dawning of the Victorian era, Macmillan Publishing was founded in Britain by two Scottish brothers from the Isle of Arran. They brought such commonplace names as H.G. Wells and Lewis Carroll to reading audiences everywhere. Macmillan grew and thrived, and was even briefly headed by a former British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan. Today Macmillan has a reputation mainly for scholastic publishing, and is now wholly owned by the Holtzbrinck Group.

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• Arkady Strugatsky  • Boris Strugatsky  • Clive Lewis  • Christopher Youd  • Joseph Kipling  • John London  • John Campbell  • Peter Hamilton  • Elizabeth Lynn  • China MiĆ©ville  • Poul Anderson  • George Martin  • Charles Dodgson  • Frances Hardinge  • Francis Crawford  • Ron Goulart  • Aiden Thomas  • Lish McBride  • Christina Rossetti  • Charles Kingsley  • Diane Chamberlain  • Richard Bach  • Lucy Holland  • James Stephens  • Harlan Ellison  • Karel Capek  • Mary St. Clair  • Edward Bryant  • James Hilton  • Zen Cho  •  Uncredited  • Andrew Sinclair  • Meredith Pierce  • Andrew Pyper  • John Bellairs  • Herbert Wells  • Henry James  • Algernon Blackwood  • Abraham Merritt  • Charles de Lint  • Robert Silverberg  • Tanith Lee  • Gordon Dickson  • Harry Harrison  • Edgar Pangborn  • James Schmitz  • Iain Banks  • Hal Duncan  • Bret Ellis  • James Herbert