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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Ecco Press

Ecco Press

Founded: 1971
Founded by: Daniel Halpern
New York, New York USA
Titles/Circulation: 0


Ecco Press is a New York-based publishing imprint of HarperCollins. Ecco was founded in 1971 by Daniel Halpern as an independent publishing company. In 1999 it was acquired by HarperCollins, with Halpern remaining at the head.

In 1971 Ecco was spun off from the literary magazine Antaeus (founded in Tangier by Daniel Halpern with Paul Bowles), and it has been an imprint at HarperCollins since 1999. Ecco publishes distinguished fiction and nonfiction by bestselling, prize-winning authors, as well as bold debuts from promising new voices. Among the categories Ecco publishes are novels, short stories, poetry, memoir, science, politics, history, and sociology, as well as lavish contemporary cookbooks. Authors include: Russell Banks, April Bloomfield, Charles Bukowski, Leonard Cohen, Richard Dawkins, Richard Ford, Robert Hass, Werner Herzog, Czeslaw Milosz, Joyce Carol Oates, Jamie Oliver, Lisa Randall, Ron Rash, Simon Schama, Patti Smith, Amy Tan, and David Wroblewski.

Works in the WWEnd Database





Authors Published

• Josh Malerman  • Sam Miller  • Bill Broun  • Jessica Burton  • Jesse Ball  • Alissa Nutting  • Kevin Wilson  • Debra Immergut  • Rumaan Alam  • Claire Oshetsky  • Mike Meginnis  • Stephanie Feldman  • Louisa Hall  • Dino Buzzati  • Joyce Oates  • Laura Schechter  • Kathryn Davis  • Andrew Greer