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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Aethon Books

Aethon Books

Founded: Unknown
Founded by: Rhett C. Bruno, Steve Beaulieu


AETHON BOOKS is publishing the next generation of Science Fiction & Fantasy. Our mission is to build a bridge between authors and their potential readers.

In Ancient greek, the word Aethon meant "burning" or "blazing," and we hope to blaze a new road for publishing.

We exist for the readers, because we are readers too. We are passionate about genre fiction and are fans of it in all mediums. Movies, TV, books--it"s all storytelling, and there is nothing we feel more strongly about. Whether helping produce the next great Space Opera or Epic Fantasy or taking books from stagnant genres and breathing new life into them, we vow to only give you exciting, toe-the-line books from both established authors and up-and-comers.

For the authors, we want passionate writers who feel strongly about the stories they"re telling, and we go out of our way to treat our authors like family. Having a completely original book these days is nearly impossible, but we believe there is a fresh way to tell every tale. Give us your best shot. If we are rocked by it, we know our readers will be too. So all you authors who are ready to traverse the galaxies and explore the depths of unknown worlds at our side, we"re here for you.

Works in the WWEnd Database





Authors Published

• Timothy Zahn  • Tim Waggoner