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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Vampire Circus

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Vampire Circus

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Author: Mark Morris
Publisher: Random House, 2014
Hammer Books, 2012

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Horror
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In the small, rural community of Shettle children are being viciously murdered. Four men - schoolteacher Nick Miller, doctor John Kersh, private investigator Chris Blaine and local newspaper editor Alan Michaels - track the killer, Karl Mitterhaus, down in his house up on the hill and impale him with a spar of wood. His last words as he lies dying send a chill through them all.

Ten years later Shettle has fallen into a decline. It is rife with crime and its inhabitants plagued by ill-fortune. As the tenth anniversary of Mitterhaus's death approaches the Circus of Nights arrives and the people are drawn to it like moths to a flame. Soon they can talk of little it's as though they are bewitched. But Nick, John, Chris and Alan soon realise that there is something terribly wrong. And as the town is enclosed in a barrier of 'sickness' through which no one can enter or leave, the four men must do their utmost to protect their loved ones, before it is too late.


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