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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Complex Man

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Complex Man

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Author: Marie C. Farca
Publisher: Doubleday, 1973

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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It was as though Andrew Ames had leaned forward, a quarter of a century ago, over a richly textured table-just as he leaned forward habitually every day over his smooth and sterile laboratory table. It was as though he had taken, from the living matter on that distant mountains-and-plains planet, a nucleus of an idea-just as he might have plucked a live nucleus of a human cell and transplanted it to a receptive clone bag. To make something alive. Like and live.

Andrew Ames had cloned intellectually a way of life, into his amenable set of values, as though it were some embryo of the human species. And now it was fighting its way out toward light. But not toward the synthetic light of his home planet, he thought, as, traveling through space, he studied Earth 10'1 critically through a continually decreasing distance. His home planet was one merely simulating a sun, a pretender to the throne, a sham consort to the universe, emitting its own synthesized corona of light. The light which would fall, in its own inherent purity and sweetness, across his idea, would be real, actual, rare flesh-warming sunlight. And like an emerging human creature, his idea, dependent upon so many factors, would or would not survive in its rather hostile environment.


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