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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Stone Road

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The Stone Road

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Author: Trent Jamieson
Publisher: Erewhon Books, 2022

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Dark Fantasy
Urban Fantasy
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(2 reads / 1 ratings)


On the day Jean was born, the dead howled. A thin scratch of black smoke began to rise behind the hills west of town: Furnace had been lit, and soon its siren call began to draw the people of Casement Rise to it, never to return.

Casement Rise is a dusty town at the end of days, a harsh world of grit and arcane dangers. While Jean's stern, overprotective Nan has always kept Casement Rise safe from monsters, she may have waited too long to teach Jean how to face them on her own. On Jean's twelfth birthday, a mysterious graceful man appears, an ethereal and terrifying being tied to her family's secrets.

Now, Nan must rush Jean's education in monsters, magic, and the breaking of the world in ages past. If Jean is to combat the graceful man and finally understand the ancient evil that powers Furnace, she will have to embrace her legacy, endure her Nan's lessons, and learn all she can--before Furnace burns down her world and everyone in it.


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