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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments

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Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments

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Author: T. L. Huchu
Publisher: Pan Macmillan, 2022
Tor, 2022
Series: Edinburgh Nights: Book 2
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Heroic Fantasy
Magical Realism
Urban Fantasy
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(11 reads / 5 ratings)


Some secrets are meant to stay buried

When Ropa Moyo discovered an occult underground library, she expected great things. She's really into Edinburgh's secret societies - but turns out they are less into her. So instead of getting paid to work magic, she's had to accept a crummy unpaid internship. And her with bills to pay and a pet fox to feed.

Then her friend Priya offers her a job on the side. Priya works at Our Lady of Mysterious Maladies, a very specialized hospital, where a new illness is resisting magical and medical remedies alike. The first patient was a teenage boy, Max Wu, and his healers are baffled. If Ropa can solve the case, she might earn as she learns - and impress her mentor, Sir Callander.

Her sleuthing will lead her to a lost fortune, an avenging spirit and a secret buried deep in Scotland's past. But how are they connected? Lives are at stake and Ropa is running out of time.


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