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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Third Book of Swords

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The Third Book of Swords

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Author: Fred Saberhagen
Publisher: Tor, 1984
Series: Book of Swords: Book 3

1. The First Book of Swords
2. The Second Book of Swords
3. The Third Book of Swords

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Sword and Sorcery
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In a flash understanding came. The gods were coming to take charge.

The cloud, no longer serving any purpose of concealment, was being allowed to dissipate, and it vanished quickly. The handful of beings who had ridden it were walking now, already entering the parade ground at its far side, and approaching quickly. The sea of humans occupying the open space parted at the deities' approach. Four gods and one goddess, each as tall as Draffut, came striding forward without pause, and Mark got the impression that they would have stepped on people without noticing had any remained in their way.

Humanity had hope of being saved, by the beings who had made the Swords, from powers that were too much for it to manage.


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