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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Nail Down the Stars

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Nail Down the Stars

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Author: John Morressy
Publisher: Walker Books, 1973
Series: Del Whitby: Book 2
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Jolon Gallamor was being hunted by the same inter-galactic hunters who had slain his father. Behind him lay certain death. Ahead of him lay a universe teeming with pirates, slavers, tyrants & warriors, where all law & order had broken down, & survival was only for the fittest. Jolon Gallamor had a mother wit & an acting skill that let him play a different role on every planet. He had a strange store of knowledge from the nearly forgotten past that he used to his bizarre advantage. And he had an implacable enemy coming closer & closer as Jolon moved ever outward in space toward the point of no return.

AKA: Stardrift


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