Added By: Scott Laz
Last Updated: gallyangel
Clark Ashton Smith's influential Zothique sequence of stories, the majority of which were orignally published during the 1930s, collected in a signle volume. Number 16 in the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series, edited by Lin Carter.
- About Zothique, and Clark Ashton Smith: When the World Grows Old - essay by Lin Carter
- Map of Zothique
- Zothique (1951 poem)
- Xeethra (1934)
- Necromancy in Naat (1936)
- The Empire of the Necromancers (1932)
- The Master of the Crabs (1948)
- The Death of Ilalotha (1937)
- The Weaver in the Vault (1934)
- The Witchcraft of Ulua (1934)
- The Charnel God (1934)
- The Dark Eidolon (1935)
- Morthylla (1953)
- The Black Abbot of Puthuum (1936)
- The Tomb-Spawn (1934)
- The Last Hieroglyph (1935)
- The Isle of the Torturers (1933)
- The Garden of Adompha (1938)
- The Voyage of King Euvoran (1933)
- Epilogue: The Sequence of the Zothique Tales - essay by Lin Carter
No excerpt currently exists for this novel.
No alternate cover images currently exist for this novel.