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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Ahead of Time

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Ahead of Time

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Author: Harry Harrison
Theodore J. Gordon
Publisher: Doubleday, 1972

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Book Type: Non-Fiction
Genre: Science-Fiction
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This non-fiction volume collects the following 14 essays by scientists about the future of science and technology:

The conquest of senescence, by R. W. Prehoda.

People freezing: the establishment thaws, by R. C. W. Ettinger.

What are tachyons, and what could we do with them? By G. Feinberg.

Inside-out worlds, by D. M. Cole and D. W. Cox.

Requirements for communications to a naive recipient, by A. G. Wilson and T. J. Gordon.

Search for artificial stellar sources of infrared radiation, by F. J. Dyson.

Psychology in the year 2000, by G. Murphy.

Do plants feel emotions? by T. Bacon and R. Kirkpatrick.

Anomalous prediction of quantum processes by some human subjects, by H. Schmidt.

Long delayed echoes of radio transmissions, by O. G. Villard, Jr., C. R. Graf, and J. M. Lomasney.

The life and death of Project Camelot, by I. L. Horowitz.

The jousting at Camelot -- or social technology encounters the shield of the social structure, by T. R. Vallance.

Ovshinsky: promoter or persecuted genius? By P. M. Boffey.

The strange case of polywater, by M. Sinclair.


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