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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Egypt + 100:  Stories From a Century After Tahrir

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Egypt + 100: Stories From a Century After Tahrir

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Author: Ahmed Naji
Publisher: Comma Press, 2024
Series: Futures Past: Book 4
Book Type: Anthology
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Egypt + 100 poses a question to ten contemporary Egyptian authors: what might your country look like in the year 2111 -- exactly a century after the (ultimately unsuccessful) Tahrir Square revolution? Might Egypt still be in the grips of pseudo-democratic authoritarians: a police state, riddled with corruption, the inertia of bureaucracy, and ever-widening economic disparities. Or might other historical forces come into play, stemming the recent slide into totalitarianism, and realising some of the lost aspirations of the long-cancelled 'Arab Spring'. From gladiatorial entertainments, to anti-procreation resistance movements, climate and refugee crises, these stories explore different sides of the present predicament through the metaphor of futurism to dazzling effect.


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