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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Space Mavericks

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The Space Mavericks

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Author: Michael Kring
Publisher: Leisure Books, 1980
Series: The Space Mavericks: Book 1

1. The Space Mavericks
2. Children of the Night

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Fripp Enos - space pilot, amateur historian, Reegan Modified and trouble magnet. Khon Tarkosz - navigator, trader, negotiator and card sharp. Fripp and Khon are business partners on the Kraftwerk and Maverick Spacers - tough space hauliers making their living in in fringe space flying cargo between systems, living off the thin pickings left after the Union has had their slice.

After apparently saving a young girl from gang on a backwater world, they find themselves fleeing with the girl across the Warp Spheres with Planetary Security in hot pursuit. Then a forced landing on a jungle world and an encounter with artifacts from a lost ancient alien civilisation changes their fortunes forever.


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