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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Snail on the Slope

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The Snail on the Slope

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Author: Arkady Strugatsky
Boris Strugatsky
Publisher: Bantam Books, 1980
Original Russian publication, 1968
Series: Noon Universe: Book 5
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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The Snail on the Slope takes place in two worlds. One is the Administration, an institution run by a surreal, Kafkaesque bureaucracy whose aim is to govern the forest below. The other is the Forest, a place of fear, weird creatures, primitive people and violence. Peretz, who works at the Administration, wants to visit the Forest. Candide crashed in the Forest years ago and wants to return to the Administration. Their journeys are surprising and strange, and readers are left to puzzle out the mysteries of these foreign environments. The Strugatskys themselves called The Snail on the Slope "the most perfect and the most valuable of our works."

The publishing history of the novel The Snail on the Slope is somewhat untidy. The novel was based on on a previously written novella. The novel itself first appeared in two parts, and in two different publications: the "Forest" part in 1966, and the "Directorate" part in 1968. Various translations of the complete novel appeared well before the complete novel was finally published in Russia in 1988.


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