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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Clocks of Iraz

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The Clocks of Iraz

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Author: L. Sprague de Camp
Publisher: Del Rey / Ballantine, 1983
Sphere, 1979
Pyramid Books, 1971
Series: Novaria: The Reluctant King: Book 2

1. The Goblin Tower
2. The Clocks of Iraz
3. The Unbeheaded King

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Comic Fantasy
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The Best Mislaid Plans.

Wizardly schemes, Jorian knew went oft a-gley. But this time the wizard's plan seemed simple. Since ancient prophecy foretold that the clocks would save Iraz, Jorian must repair the great tower clocks that his father had built.

If everything went well, Karadur could then plan the rescue of Jorian's beloved wife, Queen Estrildis from Xylar.

And Jorian would be appointed Clockmaster of Iraz, a position that would require him to break a pirate siege, placate an amorous priestess, and stay at least one step ahead of the Royal Guard of Xylar - where he was still wanted as the star sttraction of a royal beheading!


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