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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Goblin Tower

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The Goblin Tower

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Author: L. Sprague de Camp
Publisher: Grafton, 1987
Del Rey / Ballantine, 1987
Sphere, 1979
Pyramid Books, 1968
Series: Novaria: The Reluctant King: Book 1

1. The Goblin Tower
2. The Clocks of Iraz
3. The Unbeheaded King

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Comic Fantasy
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King Jorian was rather attached to his head. Hence, he felt his promise to seal the Kist of Avlen, a treasure trove of ancient manuscripts on magic, was little enough a price to pay for a chance to escape his own beheading.

But when the quest pitted him against one peril after another - a murderous wizard and his giant squirrel, a castle full of executioners, a marauding troop of ape men, and a voluptuous 500-year-old princess who was also a serpent - Jorian wondered if he'd made a good bargain!


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