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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Cardinal's Blades

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Last Updated: valashain

The Cardinal's Blades

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Author: Pierre Pevel
Publisher: Pyr, 2010
Gollancz, 2009
Original French publication, 2007
Series: The Cardinal's Blades: Book 1

1. The Cardinal's Blades
2. The Alchemist in the Shadows
3. The Dragon Arcana

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Historical Fantasy
Romantic Fantasy
Avg Member Rating:
(19 reads / 12 ratings)


Welcome to seventeenth-century Paris, where intrigue, duels, and spies are rife and Cardinal Richelieu's agents may be prevailed upon to risk life and limb in the name of France at a moment's notice. And with war on the horizon, the defense of the nation has never been more pressing.

Danger is rising from the south--an insidious plot that could end with a huge dragon-shaped shadow falling over France, a shadow cast by dragons quite unlike the pet dragonets that roam the cities like stray cats, or the tame wyverns men ride like horses, high over the Parisian rooftops. These dragons and their descendants are ancient, terrible, and powerful ... and their plans contain little room for the lives or freedom of puny humans.

Cardinal Richelieu has nowhere else to turn; Captain La Fargue and his elite group of agents, the Cardinal's Blades, must turn the tide. They must hold the deadly Black Claw cult at bay, root out traitors to the crown, rescue prisoners, and fulfill their mission for the Cardinal, for their country, but above all for themselves.

It's death or victory. And the victory has never been less certain.


No excerpt currently exists for this novel.


A solid first book to launch the series.

- Administrator
The Cardinal's Blades

- keelekingfisher


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