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Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

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Posted 2012-10-13 4:09 PM (#4247 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 11
Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Just wanted to suggest 'The Light Ages' by Ian R. MacLeod. It is the first book in his 'Aether' series and since the second book, 'The House of Storms' is part of the Science Fiction: The 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 list, I thought it would be nice to complete the series on WWE.
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Posted 2012-10-18 9:48 AM (#4273 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

New User

Posts: 1
What about 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami??
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Posted 2012-10-26 12:29 PM (#4297 - in reply to #4273)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Here are the latest requests to be added to the database.  We got a little behind on these with the other books we added for the Nightmare Magazine Top 100 Horror Books list but this is not too shabby.

Brian Aldiss:
The Dark Light Years
Last Orders
Frankenstein Unbound

Gregory Benford:
The Martian Race

Ray Bradbury:
R is for Rocket
S is for Space

Lester del Ray:
Siege Perilous
Marooned on Mars

Joe Haldeman:
All My Sins Remembered

Robert A. Heinlein:
Expanded Universe

Damon Knight:
Rule Golden
Natural State
Cities of Wonder

Andre Norton:
Sargasso of Space

I'll add the latest requests to the list and post the update here shortly.

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Posted 2012-10-26 1:21 PM (#4298 - in reply to #4297)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

OK, here is the updated request list that we're working on.  I've added some email requests to the list as well.

Fritz Leiber:
 The Green Millenium (1953)
 A Spectre is Haunting Texas (1969)

Jack Vance:
 Galactic Effectuator

Shirley Jackson:
 Come Along With Me and Other Writings Including "The Lottery"
 The Bird's Nest
 The Magic of Shirley Jackson (collection)
 The Road Through the Wall
 The Sundial
 We Have Always Lived in the Castle

James Kahn:
 New World:
  World Enough, and Time (1980)
  Time's Dark Laughter (1982)
  Timefall (1987)

Katharine Kerr:
  Daggerspell (1986)
  Darkspell (1987)
  The Bristling Wood (1989) (Dawnspell: The Bristling Wood)
  The Dragon Revenant (1990) (Dragonspell: The Southern Sea)

Orson Scott Card:
 Enchantment (1999)
 Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus (1996)
 The Worthing Series:
  Capitol (1978)
  Hot Sleep (1978)
  The Worthing Chronicle (1983)
  The Worthing Saga (1990)
 Empire Series:
  Empire (2006)
  Hidden Empire (2009)

Ryu Mitsuse:
 10 Billion Days
 100 Billion Nights

Michael Moorcock:
  The Jewel in the Skull
  The Mad God's Amulet
  The Sword of the Dawn
  The Runestaff (The Secret of the Runestaff)
  Count Brass
  The Champion of Garathorm
  The Quest for Tanelorn
 Oswald Bastable Trilogy:
  The Warlord of the Air (1971)
  The Land Leviathan (1974)
  The Steel Tsar (1981)
 Colonel Pyat Quartet:
  Byzantium Endures (1981)
  The Laughter of Carthage (1984)
  Jerusalem Commands (1992)
  The Vengeance of Rome (2006)

Larry Niven and Steven Barnes:
 Saturn's Race (2001)

Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner:
 Ringworld Prequel series:
  Fleet of Worlds (2007)
  Juggler of Worlds (2008)
  Destroyer of Worlds (2009)
  Betrayer of Worlds (2010)
  Fate of Worlds (2012)

Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle and Michael Flynn:
 Fallen Angels (1991)

Andre Norton:
 Solar Queen:
  Voodoo Planet
  Postmarked the Stars
  Redline the Stars
  Derelict for Trade
  A Mind for Trade

Sherri S. Tepper:
 Six Moon Dance (1998)
 Singer from the Sea (1999)
 A Plague of Angels (1993)
 Shadows End (1994)
 The Gate to Womens Country (1988)
 After Long Silence (1987)

Janny Wurts:
 Master of Whitestorm (1992)

Stanislaw Lem:
 The Futurological Congress

Kim Stanley Robinson:
 Escape From Kathmandu
 The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson

Paolo Bacigalupi:
 Pump Six and Other Stories

Frank Herbert:
 The Green Brain
 The Santaroga Barrier
 The Eyes of Heisenberg
 The Heaven Makers
 The God Makers
 Soul Catcher
 The White Plague
 Direct Descent

Iain M. Banks:
 The Hydrogen Sonata

Dean Koontz:
 Seize the Night

Poul Anderson:
 The Corridors of Time

Matthew Stover:
 Acts of Caine:
 1. Heroes Die
 2. Blade of Tyshalle
 3. Caine Blackknife

Ian R. MacLeod:
 The Light Ages

Haruki Murakami:

Philip Jose Farmer:
 The Empire of the Nine
 Tarzan Alive
 Night of Light

Patricia A. McKillip:
 The Alphabet of Thorn
 In the Forest of the Serre
 Harrowing the Dragon

Ekaterina Sedia:
 The Alchemy of Stone
 The Secret History of Moscow
 Heart of Iron

Alastair Reynolds:
 Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days

Ian McDonald:
 The Ares Express

Paul Auster:
 Travels in the Scriptorium

Alan Dean Foster:
 Glory Lane
 The Metrognome and Other Stories

Piers Anthony:
 Secret of Spring

James P. Blaylock:
 The Adventures of Langdon St. Ives
 Thirteen Phantasms and Other Stories
 The Ebb Tide
 The Affairs of Chalk Cliff

Angela Carter:
 The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories

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Posted 2012-11-09 10:14 AM (#4324 - in reply to #4298)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Fritz Leiber:
The Green Millenium
A Spectre is Haunting Texas

Jack Vance:
Galactic Effectuator

Shirley Jackson:
Come Along With Me and Other Writings Including "The Lottery"
The Bird's Nest
The Magic of Shirley Jackson
The Road Through the Wall
The Sundial
We Have Always Lived in the Castle


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Posted 2012-12-12 3:51 PM (#4395 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 63
Location: Zagreb
Aleen Steele: Chronospace.

This is the first sentence in his Coyote novel synopsis: "Coyote marks a dramatic new turn in the career of Allen Steele, Hugo Award-winning author of Chronospace."
So I guess Chronospace is Aleen Steele important book.
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Posted 2012-12-22 11:01 AM (#4418 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA
Hi Dave, I have a request for my last GMRC book. Robert Silverberg's Tom O Bedlam. I skimmed this list and did not see it, so my apologies if it is already listed as a book to be added.
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Posted 2012-12-22 10:07 PM (#4419 - in reply to #4418)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

@Risbom: I've added those books to the list and will get them in after the new year along with the others.

@Rhonda: Here ya go.  I like to get the GMRC ones in right away so you can tag them especially now we're getting to the bitter end.

Tom O'Bedlam

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Posted 2012-12-23 9:41 AM (#4420 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA
Thanks, Dave. I'm furiously reading to make the deadline. I blinked and lost October, November and most of December. Next semester should be more manageable, so I'm looking forward to the new challenge!
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Posted 2012-12-28 9:21 PM (#4433 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 26
Location: Washington state
I would like to request that "The Gate to Women's Country" by Sheri S. Tepper be added to the database. I'll be reading it in January anyhow and have never read Tepper, so I figured it would be an excellent way for me to begin the 2013 challenge.
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Scott Laz
Posted 2012-12-30 11:33 PM (#4457 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

Uber User

Posts: 263
Location: Gunnison, Colorado

Since you’re looking to add more women authors as part of the new challenge, here are a couple I’d like to include, but that don’t seem to be in the database:

Margaret St. Clair was a prolific genre writer from the mid-‘40s through the ‘70s. I came across her stories browsing issues of F&SF and Galaxy from the early ‘50s. The quality of the prose and the strange moody tone caught my attention. I might try The Best of Margaret St. Clair or the novel Agent of the Unknown (1956) for the challenge.

Francis Stevens (pseudonym of Gertrude Barrows) had a short but influential career in the pre-Gernsback pulps during the late 1910s and early ‘20s. The Citadel of Fear is one of Cawthorn and Moorcock’s 100 Best fantasy novels (and is the one I’d like to add for the challenge), and The Heads of Cerberus has been cited as possibly the first parallel/alternate world novel.

Also one of Cawthorn/Moorcock’s 100 Best is Black Magic (1909), by Marjorie Bowen, a picturesque medieval Gothic novel about a cross-dressing antichrist Pope (!), that I read a couple of months ago and could add a review of.

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Posted 2012-12-31 11:10 AM (#4460 - in reply to #4457)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA

Could you add Deborah Harkness' A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night? I think that I might read the first book for the WoGF. 



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Posted 2012-12-31 5:52 PM (#4466 - in reply to #4395)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Chronospace The Gate to Women's Country The Citadel of Fear The Heads of Cerberus Agent of the Unknown The Best of Margaret St. Clair Black Magic: A Tale of the Rise and Fall of Anti-Christ A Discovery of Witches Shadow of Night

That will help get you all started!  Now I'm off to drink in the new year.  Cheers!

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Posted 2012-12-31 7:50 PM (#4468 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA
Excellent! Thanks, Dave.
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Posted 2012-12-31 7:53 PM (#4469 - in reply to #4457)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA
Scott Laz - 2012-12-31 12:33 AM

Also one of Cawthorn/Moorcock’s 100 Best is Black Magic (1909), by Marjorie Bowen, a picturesque medieval Gothic novel about a cross-dressing antichrist Pope (!), that I read a couple of months ago and could add a review of.

 Yeah, I have to read that one! 

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Posted 2012-12-31 8:15 PM (#4470 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 26
Location: Washington state
Thanks for the books update...and Happy New Year to everyone.
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Posted 2013-01-01 7:37 AM (#4473 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 185
Location: Rockford, IL
With the Women's Challenge starting now you might want to add the rest of Patricia Briggs' and Katharine Kerr's books and you are completely missing C.E. Murphy and Mercedes Lackey, both of whom have lots of good books out.
--Kerry aka Trouble

ETA: Also missing are Michelle Sagara/Michelle West ( she publishes under both married and maiden names), Jennifer Fallon, Kim Harrison, Patricia Bray, Carol Berg, Rachel Caine.

No wonder my list of women authors I have read was so tiny - you are missing a lot of the ones on my shelves.

Edited by controuble 2013-01-01 7:50 AM
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Posted 2013-01-01 12:02 PM (#4476 - in reply to #4473)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

@controuble: Welcome to WWEnd and the WoGF Reading Challenge!  I'm glad you found us even if you've found us wanting

Yeah, the only downside to this challenge is that it pretty much shows up how many women authors we don't have in our database. ;(  But hey, that's part of why we're doing it in the first place.   We're committed to adding a minimum of 100 new women authors to our site this year and your list will certainly be in that number.  Some of those authors I don't recognize but Mercedes Lackey and C. E. Murphy are palm to the head obvious omissions that make me cringe for their absence.

Not the first time that has happened nor will it be the last.  (We somehow had bypassed Douglas Adams for years before someone pointed it out to us!)  We'll get around to all these as time permits but Lackey and Murphy I'll move to the top of the list after the books we have in train are added.  If there is an author you're going to read right now for January let me know and I'll get them in sooner so you can tag them.


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Posted 2013-01-01 12:12 PM (#4477 - in reply to #4476)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 185
Location: Rockford, IL
Thanks, but I tagged my 12 - funny thing is that 11 of them are already sitting in my TBR piles. Yes, plural. They are new-to-me women authors that were recommended by people I know, so I just marked those books as Owned and On My Reading List.

A couple more for you - Charlaine Harris, Faith Hunter, Jody Lynn Nye - on my shelves, not in your DB.

Three of Tanya Huff's series seem to be missing, too - the Quarters books, the Keeper books, and the newest Gale books.
Laura Anne Gilman's Cosa Nostradamus books and the follow-on Paranormal Scene Investigations books.

--Kerry aka Trouble
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Posted 2013-01-01 12:20 PM (#4478 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!

Uber User

Posts: 1465
Location: The Netherlands
So when are you going to let people do some data entry for you Dave? You can't possibly keep this up by yourself :P
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Posted 2013-01-01 2:04 PM (#4480 - in reply to #4476)
Subject: RE: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 185
Location: Rockford, IL
Some more d'uh for you - Sherwood Smith and Phyllis Irene Radford in all her persona (C.F.Bentley, P.R.Frost, Irene Radford)

Another new on you might want to add later - Barbara Ashford.

--Kerry aka Trouble
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Posted 2013-01-01 3:27 PM (#4481 - in reply to #4478)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

valashain - 2013-01-01 12:20 PM So when are you going to let people do some data entry for you Dave? You can't possibly keep this up by yourself :P

The writing is on the wall.  I'm talking with the crew to see what we can do to speed up that project.  Some of the interface is already built but there is a bunch of coding to go still to make it functional.  Nothing like a pressing need to force a project through!

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Posted 2013-01-01 5:27 PM (#4483 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 185
Location: Rockford, IL
Your poor database does not seem to know that Rosemary & Rue by Seanan McGuire is the first book in a series. The series is called October Daye and the next books are A Local Habitation, An Artificial Night, Late Eclipses, One Salt Sea. Ashes of Honor and coming in September will be The Chimes at Midnight. The third book in the Newsflesh Trilogy is called Blackout. Her newest series is Incryptid; the first book is called Discount Armageddon and the next will be out in March called Midnight Blue-Light Special.

I tried to use the Submit Series Details link but it evidently does not work from Chrome.

--Kerry aka Trouble (now do you see why I have that nickname?)
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Posted 2013-01-02 12:16 AM (#4494 - in reply to #3662)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 26
Location: Washington state
It's not about a book to add, but I wasn't sure where else to report this. Valerie Martin, author of "Mary Reilly," is listed in your database as Valerie MartinG. I am reading this book for a group read in a couple of months, so I figured I might as well tag it for the challenge, too, which led me to notice her misspelled name.
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Posted 2013-01-02 11:59 AM (#4498 - in reply to #4494)
Subject: Re: Can't find the book you want? Make your book requests here!


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

@controuble: We'll get Seanan McGuire updated.  Thanks for the info.  Could has sworn we had Blackout already in there....  The submit series info link is just an email link that should launch your default email.  Not sure why your Chrome would not like it.  I use Chrome and it pulls up my gmail just fine.  You can right click the link and "Copy email address" to paste into your email client to get around it.

@Tantara:  I fixed Valerie Martin's name.  Thanks for pointing it out!

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