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2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posted 2025-01-03 2:41 PM (#30718)
Subject: 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posts: 101
Hello everyone, this is a little thread for anyone to post any thoughts, or discussion for anyone taking part in the 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge. It's my first 'Roll-Your-Own' challenge on here although I've been taking part in other people's challenges on and off for a long time.

So why grimdark? Like many people I made a connection to the genre when reading the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series. There is something about a novel which has a lot of complex relationships in it, where the world is unforgiving and where characters are faced with difficult moral choices. In 'real life' I like to think of myself as a hopeful person, who sees the best in people and is trusting of others. So it is interesting to me that I have an affection for the morally bankrupt, the villain, the anti-hero in fiction.

I can somewhat trace my interest in the genre without really knowing it to playing role playing games in my teens (which I have still kept up). I never bought in to high-powered magic and over-powered heroic heroes with giant swords. I was more into 'Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay' (1st edition!) and beggars and thieves and rat catchers being unlikely heroes in the mud, almost against their will. The sense of humour, the type of games I played and how I envisioned the worlds I played in was 'grimdark' before I knew the word.

So onto the books. I find myself a bit of a reading butterfly. I jump from theme to genre almost book by book. I also have a bad habit of reading 'book one' in a series before reading something else, and even if I like the book, rarely getting around to book two. That's a problem with a world with so many books in it. So for this challenge I am at least going to try and read one more book in series I have started. I'm also going to make sure I read at least a couple of new-to-me authors. Whilst most of the books I have my eye on are well known and regarded I am going to try and identify at least one book independently / self-published and also something published recently.

I'm starting with Joe Abercrombie's 'Before They Are Hanged' which is the second book in 'The First Law' series. I read Book 1 'The Blade Itself' in the autumn of last year and really enjoyed the characterisation and world building but had some frustrations with the book.

Also, should anyone taking part want any recommendations, or lists for potential recommendations I've got quite a few lists saved should anyone be interested. And a final comment, in my mind reading books we enjoy is the most important thing, so I don't think we need to be to firm on a definition of 'grimdark'. In any case I'm not qualified to adjudicate on that anymore than the next person so if you feel it fits go for it.
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Posted 2025-01-12 7:17 AM (#30751 - in reply to #30718)
Subject: Re: 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posts: 101
Book one down, I finished 'Before They Are Hanged' yesterday, the second book in 'The First Law' series. It builds brilliantly on the first book and does well much of what I liked first time round. Brilliant character development and world building, and very engaging throughout. It kind of suffers from being part of a trilogy and not feeling self-contained.

Next up for me is another sequel - Mark Lawrence's 'King of Thorns', which is the second in 'The Broken Empire' series. I really enjoyed the first one.
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Posted 2025-02-05 3:13 PM (#31168 - in reply to #30718)
Subject: Re: 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posts: 101
Book two for me, 'King of Thorns' by Mark Lawrence. Found it quite a brave departure from the first book whilst still being recognisable. Can't quite give it a strong recommendation as I had a few niggles with it. Next up is 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' by Scott Lynch - really enjoyed a short story of his in an anthology.
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Posted 2025-02-05 11:04 PM (#31169 - in reply to #30718)
Subject: Re: 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posts: 262
Location: California
Have you read Glen Cook's The Black Company? Given the books mentioned, I think you would like the series.
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Posted 2025-02-10 7:37 AM (#31173 - in reply to #30718)
Subject: Re: 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posts: 101
I haven't Lisa, they are on the list to check out at some point in my life. I have read mixed reviews of them, with some people raving about them. They were published in the 80s weren't they before the sub-genre / theme was as recognised. Thanks for the recommendation
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Posted 2025-02-19 3:31 PM (#32486 - in reply to #30718)
Subject: Re: 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posts: 101
I finished 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' today and I wasn't disappointed. It's a brilliant heist caper with excellent characterisations and city building. I was unsure if the book would fit my admittedly broad definition of grimdark but there was a significant tone shift that made me go 'yep, this fits!' Really enjoyed this one. I'm reading 'Darksoul' by Anna Stephens next - I read the first in the trilogy 'Godblind' about eight years ago and loved it, and like a lot of books I read I never got to the sequel. Looking forward to this one.
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Posted 2025-03-08 3:13 PM (#32508 - in reply to #30718)
Subject: Re: 2025 Grimdark Reading Challenge
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Posts: 101
I finished 'Darksoul' by Anna Stephens yesterday. I remember loving the first book so much and the things I liked in that one are very much present here. Although I really enjoyed 'Darksoul' I couldn't shake the feeling that it was a 'bridging' book in a trilogy. Also, the pace is relentless but I felt a little worn out by the end!

Next up for me will be 'The Name of the Wind' by Patrick Rothfuss. I read a novella called 'The Lightning Tree' which is set in the same universe and loved it. I am mindful that this is an 'unfinished' trilogy but at the speed I read and everything that interests me I know I'll have a lot of unfinished series of my own when my time is up!
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