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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2023-01-13 12:00 AM (#26724 - in reply to #26721)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2023
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Posts: 63
Hi Dusty,

The sleepy guy in my avatar was named 'Yorgo'. He is long gone now as he had a sudden heart attack a few years ago. I still really like the pic though so I keep it for my online profiles.

I hear you about multiple challenges getting confusing! I keep running into trouble keeping my LT tags coordinated with my WWE challenges, (it's the only way I have found that allows me to look back at past challenges). I did nine in 2022 and have decided to limit it to 5 this year, (P&M, Read the Sequel, Number of the Counting Shall be 3, Women of Genre Fiction, and Collections). I have a LOT of unread short story collections so I'm hoping to put a small dent in that section of my TBR shelf this year.

Doubles can be pretty cool. I have a really neat TOR double of 'Vintage Season' by C.L. Moore and 'In Another Country' by Robert Silverberg. I have to admit that Silverberg has been a bit hit or miss for me over the years but his response story to Moore's is masterful. If you ever run across this particular double, I highly recommend it.

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