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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2014-04-04 12:23 AM (#6841)
Subject: Would anyone be interested in one more small challenge? SF/F set in the Global South
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Uber User

Posts: 154
I don't know about all y'all, but my TBR pile has grown so large that it is threatening to become sentient. I've been blogging and posting elseweb, though, about speculative fiction set in the Global South (i.e. "developing world") and there's been heaps of interest. Because, y'know, Europe gets boring.

This would overlap somewhat with the Authors of Color challenge, but since it's based on diversity of setting rather than diversity of authorship, I thought it might be interesting (and perhaps a good complement).

With help, I can probably come up with a list of a hundred books or so, though for my part anyway, I'm pretty sure I could overlap a half-dozen without adding any more books (maybe one or two more).

I was thinking six books to read and three to review, set in Africa, most of Asia, the Middle East, and/or Latin America (or fantasy analogues of countries within those continents).

Any potential takers, or should I just stave this one off until next year?

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