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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2023-11-12 3:48 AM (#28570 - in reply to #28566)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2023
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
Well done,ScoLgo,. I still have about 12 titles to read to reach my 80 goal. EEK
My reading has picked up a bit since my eye op FINALLY took place a month ago,though,so I hope to complete the challenge.
Sadly though this is the last Pick N Mix challenge.10 years.......I havent been able to take care of it as in past years,and there'sa big drop in people taking part. Still gratifying to see how many views the thread still gets.
I will be cutting my time online a lot, in future,partly because of my health but now Mr Dusty's cognitive decline has accelerated,I will need more time to take care of him.
I'll give more about my thoughts on the challenge nearer the end of the year.
Ouch,actually thats less than 7 weeks away. Where did this crazy crazy year go?

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