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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2022-02-19 6:46 PM (#23842 - in reply to #23630)
Subject: Re: Mini Challenge
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
Hi daxxh. I am having a great time reading short SF lately. Back in my youth most books in the SF section of the library were anthologies,or fix up novels,but when I returned to the genre after several decades and joined WWEnd, I spent all my time reading Hugos and Nebulas and other novels. Now I am getting back to reading short stories,and its a blast.
Yes The Star Pit was a rather sad book,a grim reminder that we all have barriers and limits in life that we cant possibly achieve. Depressing much? lol
Glad you like my recommendations,though really they are mostly prodding your memory for things you read long ago!

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