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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Henry Wessells

Added By: Engelbrecht
Last Updated: Engelbrecht

Henry Wessells

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Full Name: Henry Wessells
Occupation: Editor, Bookseller


Henry grew up outside of Philadelphia before moving with his family as a teenager to France. He learned French and German, and then in school specialized in Arabic. After spending a year in Cairo he returned to the US to continue his education and work as an editor of a reference publisher. For a brief time he worked as an editorial writer for the Antiquarian Bookman attending many book fairs as well as CABS. When the AB folded he was forced to find a new employer and James Cummins Bookseller was happy to oblige. Henry joined the ABAA as an Associate for James Cummins Bookseller in 201.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works
