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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Gene Lancour

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Gene Lancour

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Full Name: Gene Louis Fisher
Born: June 15, 1947
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Occupation: writer
Nationality: American


I'm a Chicago transplant living on the America Riviera in So-Cal, with a wife of some thirty years who ignores my flagrant idiosyncrasies with a tolerance that verges on incipient deafness. Like most of my generation I volunteered for the military; in my case heavy weapons infantry, where I learned to expeditiously eliminate my fellow human beings in the name of democracy. Obviously college came as something of a relief. A BA in English/History, and an MA and subsequent doctoral work in History prepared me for everything but the real world, although I can quote Chaucer, Lincoln, Shakespeare and Tolkien (and numerous others) with disgusting facility. I wrote my first short story and subsequent novels as an undergraduate using an old Royal manual upright, which I still have, though the ribbons are no longer available. I refuse to tote around new media machines on the grounds that if you really need to contact me 24 hours a day you have OCD. I am simply not that interesting.

Bio from Amazon.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Dirsham: Tilter of Worldes

 1. (1973)
 2. (1977)
 3. (1978)
 4. (1979)