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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Rjurik Davidson

Added By: valashain
Last Updated: Rhondak101

Rjurik Davidson

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Full Name: Rjurik Davidson
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: Australian


Rjurik Davidson is a writer and editor.

He has written short stories, essays, reviews and screenplays.

Rjurik writes imaginative fiction, speculative fiction, science fiction, surrealism, magic realism and fantasy.

His novel, Unwrapped Sky, was published by Tor Books in April 2014. Sci Fi Now claims it can "go toe-to-toe with China Miéville's best." Kirkus Reviews calls it "Impressively imagined and densely detailed." Newtown Review of Books says it's "one volume you cannot ignore."

His novel, The Stars Askew will be out in 2016 and his screenplay The Uncertainty Principle (co-written with Ben Chessell) is currently in development.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works



 0. (2014)
 1. (2014)
 2. (2016)