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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

James Swallow

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Last Updated: Administrator

James Swallow

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Full Name: James Swallow
Occupation: writer, scriptwriter
Nationality: British


James Swallow is a British author and scriptwriter. A BAFTA nominee and a New York Times best-seller, he is the author of several original books and tie-in novels, as well as short fiction, numerous audio dramas and videogames.

His writing includes The Sundowners series of Western fiction steampunk novels, and fiction from the worlds of Star Trek, Warhammer 40,000, Doctor Who, 24, Stargate and 2000 AD. He lives and works in London.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Blood Angels

 0. (2012)
 0. (2008)
 1. (2004)
 2. (2005)
 3. (2010)
 4. (2010)

 Doctor Who New Series

 21. (2007)

 The Horus Heresy

 4. (2007)
 13. (2010)
 21. (2012)
 42. (2017)
 54. (2019)

 Star Trek: Coda

 2. (2021)

 Star Trek: Crossovers: Myriad Universes

 1. (2008)

 Star Trek: Crossovers: The Fall

 4. (2013)

 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Terok Nor

 1. (2008)

 Star Trek: Discovery

 3. (2018)

 Star Trek: Picard

 2. (2021)

 Star Trek: Strange New Worlds TV

 3. (2025)

 Star Trek: The Next Generation

 0. (2013)

 Star Trek: The Next Generation: Titan

 6. (2009)
 8. (2015)

 Star Trek: The Original Series

 0. (2016)
 0. (2011)

 Stargate Atlantis

 4. (2006)
 10. (2009)

 Stargate SG-1 - Fandemonium

 10. (2007)

 Stargate Universe

 1. (2010)
