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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Michael Kurland

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Last Updated: Slinkyboy

Michael Kurland

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Full Name: Michael Joseph Kurland
Born: March 1, 1938
New York City, New York
Nationality: American


Michael Joseph Kurland is an American author, best known for his works of science fiction and detective fiction. Kurland lives in San Luis Obispo, California.

Kurland's early career was devoted to works of science fiction. His first published novel was Ten Years to Doomsday (written with Chester Anderson) in 1964. Other notable works include Tomorrow Knight, Pluribus, Perchance, and The Unicorn Girl. The Unicorn Girl was the middle volume of the Greenwich Village Trilogy by three different authors, the other two being Chester Anderson and T.A. Waters. (Anderson's book, The Butterfly Kid, was nominated for a Hugo Award). Kurland has also written two novels, Ten Little Wizards and A Study in Sorcery, set in the world of Randall Garrett's Lord Darcy, prefiguring his later success as a mystery writer.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Randall Garrett's Lord Darcy

 1. (1988)
 2. (1989)