My short fiction has appeared in a bunch of places, including The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Asimov's Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, and The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror. My novella, HOLLYWOOD NORTH, was nominated for a 2015 World Fantasy Award. And, yes, it was a big deal to me, even if I didn't win. The story, incidentally, is set in my hometown of Trenton, Ontario or, as my protagonist describes it, that "aberrant speck of chronic self-deception on the north shore of Lake Ontario." Read the story. It gets worse.
Among my day jobs, I've been a talk radio host (specializing in trivia), newspaper columnist (more trivia), and ad agency creative director (all trivia, all the time). While it may appear that I write only SF, horror and fantasy, I should also point out that I have completed a highly entertaining mainstream novel. I figured it was time I stopped freaking out my wife, Pat, and three daughters with all that horror stuff. Then again, I've also put to bed a quirky horror novel, so I guess my redemption isn't quite complete.
I live in Montreal. (Quebec, not Michigan.) My office is a mess. Most days, I eat toast and peanut butter for breakfast and a muffin mid-morning.
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