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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Keith Taylor

Added By: valashain
Last Updated: valashain

Keith Taylor

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Full Name: Keith John Taylor
Born: December 26, 1946
Tasmania, Australia
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: Australian


Keith Taylor coordinates the undergraduate program in creative writing at the University of Michigan and formerly managed Shaman Drum, a leading independent book store. His work has appeared in such publications as Story, The Alternative Press, The Southern Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Notre Dame Review, Witness and Hanging Loose, as well as in several chapbooks. His collection, Life Science and Other Stores, was published by Hanging Loose Press in 1995.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works



 1. (1981)
 2. (1984)
 3. (1986)
 4. (1987)
 5. (1991)

 Cormac Mac Art

 2. (1982)
 3. (1980)


 1. (1989)
 2. (1989)
 3. (1990)