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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Miles Cameron

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Last Updated: valashain

Miles Cameron

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Full Name: Christian Gordon Cameron
Born: August 16, 1962
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: American


Miles Cameron Is a military veteran and historian.

He has a degree in Medieval History and lives with his wife and daughter in the most multi-cultural city in the world. There's also a cat. So far, no horse. However, there are a great many pieces of armour, swords, pole-axes, tents, camp kettles, bits of horse harness, and other guarantees that the author spends far too much money on reenacting.

In the course of his military career, the author served both in combat roles and on staffs--and had the opportunity to give orders and take them, and to watch the modern equivalents of Kings and Constables and the like make decisions, both good and bad.

The author also served for a while in the deep and dark worlds of electronic warfare, and would be the first to admit that his Neo-Platonic magic system is deeply tinged with personal experiences of detecting an adversary's transmissions and using his own signals as a beacon for a counter-strike.

And finally, the author loves the deep wilderness--loves to camp six miles from a road--using only 14th century or 18th century camping techniques and equipment. The author feels--right or wrong--that when you are deep in the Metcalf Lake region of the Adirondack Mountains (or the Serengeti), anything might happen. Everything is possible. Just walk out of the circle of firelight into the waiting darkness, and feel the Wild.

That's not fantasy.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 The Age of Bronze

 1. (2022)
 2. (2023)
 3. (2024)

 Arcana Imperii

 1. (2021)
 2. (2023)
 3. (2024)

 Masters & Mages

 1. (2018)
 2. (2019)
 3. (2019)

 The Traitor Son Cycle

 1. (2013)
 2. (2014)
 3. (2015)
 4. (2016)
 5. (2017)