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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

L. E. Modesitt, Jr.

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Last Updated: valashain

L. E. Modesitt, Jr.

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Full Name: Leland Exton Modesitt
Born: October 19, 1943
Denver, Colorado, USA
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: American


After spending years writing poetry, political speeches and analyses, as well as economic and technical reports on extraordinarily detailed and often boring subjects, I finally got around to writing my first short story, which was published in 1973. I kept submitting and occasionally having published stories until an editor indicated he'd refuse to buy any more until I wrote a novel. So I did, and it was published in 1982, and I've been writing novels -- along with a few short stories -- ever since.

If you want to know more, you can visit my website at

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Archform: Beauty

 1. (2002)
 2. (2004)

 The Corean Chronicles

 1. (2002)
 2. (2003)
 3. (2004)
 4. (2005)
 5. (2006)
 6. (2006)
 7. (2008)
 8. (2011)

 Ecolitan Envoy

 0. (2003)
 0. (2001)
 1. (1989)
 2. (1990)
 3. (1986)
 4. (1997)

 Forever Hero

 0. (1999)
 1. (1987)
 2. (1987)
 3. (1988)


 0. (2005)
 1. (1994)
 2. (1998)
 3. (2001)

 The Grand Illusion

 1. (2021)
 2. (2022)
 3. (2023)

 The Imager Portfolio

 1. (2009)
 2. (2009)
 3. (2010)
 4. (2011)
 5. (2012)
 6. (2013)
 7. (2013)
 8. (2014)
 9. (2015)
 10. (2016)
 11. (2017)
 12. (2019)

 The Palencar Project

 1. (2012)


 1. (1996)
 2. (2003)

 The Saga of Recluce

 0. (2017)
 0. (2016)
 1. (1991)
 2. (1992)
 3. (1994)
 4. (1995)
 5. (1995)
 6. (1996)
 7. (1997)
 8. (1998)
 9. (1999)
 10. (2001)
 11. (2001)
 12. (2004)
 13. (2005)
 14. (2007)
 15. (2008)
 16. (2010)
 17. (2014)
 18. (2014)
 19. (2017)
 20. (2018)
 21. (2019)
 22. (2021)
 23. (2024)
 24. (2024)

 Spellsong Cycle

 1. (1997)
 2. (1998)
 3. (1999)
 4. (2001)
 5. (2002)


 0. (2000)
 1. (1982)
 2. (1992)