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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

William Hope Hodgson

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William Hope Hodgson

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Full Name: William Hope Hodgson
Born: November 15, 1877
Died: April 19, 1918
Occupation: Author, Soldier, Bodybuilder
Nationality: English


William Hope Hodgson (November 15, 1877 – April 19, 1918) was an English author. He produced a large body of work, consisting of essays, short fiction, and novels, spanning several overlapping genres including horror, fantastic fiction and science fiction. Early in his writing career he dedicated effort to poetry, although few of his poems were published during his lifetime. He also attracted some notice as a photographer and achieved some renown as a bodybuilder. He died in World War I at the age of 40.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Ballantine Adult Fantasy

 25. (1907)
 49. (1912)
 50. (1912)

 Hyperion Classics of Science Fiction

 24. (1912)
 45. (1909)