Ink and Bone

Rachel Caine
Ink and Bone Cover

Ink and Bone

Ann Walker

This is another one that's been on my To-Read list for a while; I think I thought it sounded too much like The Invisible Library series, but it wasn't like that AT ALL. More like Hogwarts fused with "The Hunger Games", with a number of students competing for a limited number of positions in the magically-enhanced Great Library, a multinational institution, like the United Nations? for Books? except not real books? It's confusing, and you just have to roll with it, I guess. The sequence I found most powerful and horrifying is when the students are sent into a war zone (Wales attacking the City of Oxford) to retrieve a cache of books. Those chapters were heart-stopping, and for a bit I thought, "Wow! This is great, must read more!" but then somehow it lost me later. It's a trilogy, but this part was fairly neatly ended up, so I don't think I have to rush to read the rest, if I bother to read them at all.