Spirits of Flux & Anchor

Jack L. Chalker
Spirits of Flux & Anchor Cover

Spirits of Flux & Anchor


A fun and interesting series that straddles the line between fantasy and science fiction. An alien world where magic appears to work in the Flux lands that surround the non-magical anchor lands. This is the story of a girl who grows up in an anchor community and never anticipates being thrust into the dangerous and frightening Flux lands. Like other novels by Chalker he loves to challenge his main characters putting them through many hardships and transformations both internal and external. This is a fast paced and entertaining novel for those who don't expect exacting world building or high literary aspirations. What is does deliver is a lot of imagination, good character arcs, and the set up for a showdown between the forces of good and evil. Worth discovering for fans who enjoy both fantasy and sci fi.