It's the middle of October and I'm waiting for my next "All Hallow's Read" book to arrive, which gave me time to finish William Gibson's latest novel, The Peripheral. I picked up a copy when I was over in Manchester in August. It was part of a "buy-one-get-the-other-half-price" deal at Waterstones, and my other choice was The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell.
I've read most of Gibson's novels before, starting with Neuromancer (1984) when I was a teenager. (Can't believe it was published over 30(!) years ago. That makes me feel old.) I skipped the other two novels that make up the Sprawl trilogy, and got back into him with 1993's Virtual Light. Since then I've read all of his works except The Difference Engine, the latest ones being the Blue Ant trilogy.
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