Judge Dee and the Three Deaths of Count Werdenfels

Lavie Tidhar
Judge Dee and the Three Deaths of Count Werdenfels Cover

Judge Dee and the Three Deaths of Count Werdenfels


(2.5 Stars) If Jonathon just shut his trap this would probably be a four-star read. He's so annoying and unrealistic and he takes away from the story so much. I deal with enough people in my own life who just love to complain without needing to read about them too. He's dumb as rocks to prop Judge Dee up and it reminds me of Poirot in Christie's novels with his sidekick Hastings except Hastings is a fun character to read and Jonathon has zero redeemable traits.

The mystery was solid and read more middle-grade than anything. It could have started when they got to the manor though... or when they got to the hermit hut. The setup was entirely unneeded