
Linda Nagata
Silver Cover

Why have I not heard of this person before?!


I have kept being offered books by Linda Nagata by Amazon's site, based on my other reading -- and I eventually succumbed, and bought the first and and second books of the Inverted Frontier set. Of course, now I will have to fill in the back catalogue, as I have found these books to be absolutely enthralling.

Seriously: humanity as what amounts to disembodied intelligences, capable of instantiating as avatars, or splitting off multiple "ghosts" to do things in cyberspace, and then reintegrate. Berserker-type ships called the Chenzeme, which basically kill everyone and everything -- except the humans that capture them. Evolved humans that make and then disintegrate Dyson spheres, and spin out gods who play with other human intelligences in vast and barely understood games.

I like Linda Nagata. I will read a lot more of her.