
Jeff VanderMeer
Acceptance Cover



So, I LOVED LOVED LOVED Annihilation, and I HATED HATED HATED Authority. This book, Acceptance, I feel neutral about. (So, it's a little like the Three Bears, except that Acceptance isn't "just right" - it's just "better than Authority.") While still falling short of the neat execution of Annihilation, Acceptance at least marked a return to more of what I liked about Annihilation. While I ddin't love the jumps between the different characters and timelines, which made the book feel unnecessariliy convoluted, I found the back story on the Southern Reach interesting enough, and in general I thought this bok had good pacing and a nicely infused sense of foreboding. I think it almost redeems the trilogy... somewhat. On the other hand, it's only worth reading if you are the kind of reader who really wants a phenomenon explained (as in, only if you have a burning desire, after reading Annihilation, to find out more of the "why" behind the Southern Reach.) If you liked Annihilation, and are content with its open-endedness, I'd suggest giving both Authority and Acceptance a miss.