Award Request: Aurora Award
Posted 2016-02-16 7:36 AM (#12694)
Subject: Award Request: Aurora Award


Posts: 5

I think it would be nice to have the "Aurora" awards on WWE. Aurora awards are given out annually to the best SF and Fantasy books written by Canadian authors. They are awarded both in English and French, meaning there are for example 2 long-form winners each year. Adding English nominees and winners would be nice... French not necessarily (and btw I am French, and it does not bother me at all) since WWE is oriented towards the English language.

Past winners include Guy Gavriel Kay, Robert J. Sawyer, Dave Duncan, Robert Charles Wilson, and William Gibson, all arguably very well known authors, and winners of other awards.

What do you think ?
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Posted 2016-02-16 8:29 AM (#12695 - in reply to #12694)
Subject: RE: Award Request: Aurora Award


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Jalayn - 2016-02-16 7:36 AM Hi, I think it would be nice to have the "Aurora" awards on WWE. Aurora awards are given out annually to the best SF and Fantasy books written by Canadian authors. They are awarded both in English and French, meaning there are for example 2 long-form winners each year. Adding English nominees and winners would be nice... French not necessarily (and btw I am French, and it does not bother me at all) since WWE is oriented towards the English language. Past winners include Guy Gavriel Kay, Robert J. Sawyer, Dave Duncan, Robert Charles Wilson, and William Gibson, all arguably very well known authors, and winners of other awards. What do you think ?

Well, we certainly need to give our Canadian neighbors some love in the awards section so I'm up for it.  I suspect we have a good portion of the books and authors in our database already so it shouldn't be a huge undertaking.  I'll talk it over with our Uber Users and see what we can do.  Thanks for the suggestion!

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Posted 2016-02-16 8:36 AM (#12696 - in reply to #12695)
Subject: RE: Award Request: Aurora Award


Posts: 5
Thanks for the fast answer, it really is appreciated
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Posted 2016-02-16 8:41 AM (#12697 - in reply to #12696)
Subject: RE: Award Request: Aurora Award


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Jalayn - 2016-02-16 8:36 AM Thanks for the fast answer, it really is appreciated

You're welcome.  Speaking of fast, just wait until our Ubers get going on this project!  They constantly surprise me with their zeal to help make WWEnd better.  We couldn't do this without their help. 

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Posted 2016-02-18 7:52 PM (#12749 - in reply to #12694)
Subject: RE: Award Request: Aurora Award

Uber User

Posts: 1057

Jalayn - 2016-02-17 12:36 AM
Hi, I think it would be nice to have the "Aurora" awards on WWE.

Hi Jalayn, I've been chipping away at the Prix Aurora Awards list in my spare time for several months now. Adding an Award to the WWEnd is always a much bigger task than it looks; for one book, we may have to add an Author record (and less commonly, a Publisher record), and if the book is part of a series, then all the other books in the series have to be added as well. So to get one nominated book in the database, it's common to have to add at least 3 or 4 records.

What this means is that we're down to 18 Prix Aurora books left (and two of those are part of a series of 10!), and about the same number of new Author records... so probably around 80 more records or so, and we'll have the Prix Aurora in the database for you. It shouldn't be too long -- just hang in there a little bit longer.


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Posted 2016-02-18 9:52 PM (#12751 - in reply to #12749)
Subject: RE: Award Request: Aurora Award


Posts: 5
Hey, good to know, and thanks for the update. There is no hurry and I perfectly understand that if you're going to add an award, then it's going to come with all nominations, authors, publishers, book series, etc. I think you're all doing a fantastic job at maintaining a high quality website.
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Posted 2016-03-09 10:48 AM (#12937 - in reply to #12751)
Subject: RE: Award Request: Aurora Award


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

The Aurora Award is up and running now.  I just forgot to update this thread.  Take a look and let us know what you think.  Many thanks to illegible_scribble for doing the heavy lifting on this one!


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